The link directory ZOMDir is made possible by people like you.
Open wiki
ZOMDir's link directory is an open wiki. Which makes ZOMDir world's most flexible directory.
Almost anything can be edited directly by anyone.
Add a link (in a blink)
Anyone can add a link to the directory.
Just browse to the page where you want to add the missing link and press the "Add the missing link" button.
Edit a link
Besides adding a link anyone might edit a link. Click the pencil (✎) near the link and you are able to:
- edit the linktext of the link
- remove the link
Note that anyone is able to promote (click ⇑) or demote (click ⇓) a link.
Every link page in ZOMDir is based on the selected language, subject and location.
Anyone is able to modify the structure (the available pages) by manipulating the subjects and the locations.
Hence there is no reason to add you link at a random page. It is always possible to create a page which reflects the content of the webpage(s)-linked-to.
Correct or translate a text
Anyone is able to correct or translate a text. It is even possible to edit the button texts.
You start the text edit mode by clicking on the text you want to edit.
When that is not possible, click on the name of the language.
In the text edit screen you might select the text to edit from the list.
Promote ZOMDir
If you are enthusiastic about ZOMDir, I would ask you to promote ZOMDir. Talking, writing, chatting, tweeting about ZOMDir is enough.
Earn karma points
Your positive contribution regarding will be rewarded with karma points. Start earning karma points by visiting the directory followed by a click on the "Tell me more" button.
You even might be mentioned in ZOMDir's heroes list.