
The logo of ZOMDir is a salamander. This logo is based on these reptiles of M.C. Escher.

These reptiles as drawn by M.C. Escher are fascinating. It seems impossible that these reptiles are able to fill a surface completly, however they do... due to the fact that the base of these reptiles is a regular triangle.

Note that the logo at the bottom right functions also as shortcut to the homepage of ZOMDir, and it is a trash can for removing a link with the built-in drag-and-drop functionality.

Feel free to use one of the Salamanders on this page, the original EPS file, or ZOMDir's QR-code, when you write about ZOMDir.

Logo 320x320 GIF 5kb Logo 240x240 GIF 4kb Logo 100x100 GIF 2kb

Note that a salamander is also a soul that cannot be destroyed.