Status codes

The following is a list of status codes used in the ZOMDir project. These status codes are mainly internal status codes. They are used as an addition on the standard Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) response status codes, see also this List of HTTP status codes. Hence it is an addition, the first digit of the status code is a 6. The second digit is used to group the status codes in a logical way.

60x Safety

The safety of links is determined with the help of Google's Safe Browsing API and the Web Of Trust API. These API's are used in Safe Browsing at a Glance and other products of ZOMDir.

  1. 600 - Ok, the website seems to be safe to visit;
  2. 601 - The website is suspicious;
  3. 602 - The website is probably unreliable;
  4. 603 - The website is suspicious and probably unreliable;
  5. 604 - The website is suspicious or probably unreliable;
  6. 606 - Internal error, not able to access Google's Safe Browsing API;
  7. 607 - Internal error, not able to access the Web of Trust API;
  8. 608 - Internal error, not able to access both API's;
  9. 609 - Internal error, not able to access one of the API's.

61x Quality

The technical quality of a webpage is determined with Website Quality at a Glance. When the score of a webpage is 5 stars, that webpage will get the Tip indicator in the directory.

  1. 610 - The website quality is undetermined (0 stars), the site loads too slow;
  2. 611 - The website quality is insufficient. The score is 1 out of 5;
  3. 612 - The website quality is poor. The score is 2 out of 5;
  4. 613 - The website quality is fair. The score is 3 out of 5;
  5. 614 - The website quality is good. The score is 4 out of 5;
  6. 615 - The website quality is excellent. The score is 5 out of 5;
  7. 616 - The website quality is insufficient. The score is 1 out of 5. Incomplete test;
  8. 617 - The website quality is poor. The score is 2 out of 5. Incomplete test;
  9. 618 - The website quality is fair. The score is 3 out of 5. Incomplete test;
  10. 619 - The website quality is good. The score is 4 out of 5. Incomplete test.

62x Popularity

In the past was the Pagerank an excellent indicator of the popularity of a website. These status codes are no longer applicable.

  1. 620 - The pagerank of the website is 0, unknown, or there is an internal error;
  2. 621 - The pagerank of the website is 1;
  3. 622 - The pagerank of the website is 2;
  4. 623 - The pagerank of the website is 3;
  5. 624 - The pagerank of the website is 4;
  6. 625 - The pagerank of the website is 5;
  7. 626 - The pagerank of the website is 6;
  8. 627 - The pagerank of the website is 7;
  9. 628 - The pagerank of the website is 8;
  10. 629 - The pagerank of the website is 9;
  11. 630 - The pagerank of the website is 10.

64x Parsability

The parsability indicates how easy it is to parse several parts of a webpage. These status codes where used in the Setextbrowser and are used in the directory when someone adds a link.

  1. 640 - The webpage is successful parsed;
  2. 641 - The languagecode is not found;
  3. 642 - The directioncode is not found;
  4. 643 - The title of the webpage is not found;
  5. 644 - The description of the webpage is not found;
  6. 645 - The title and description of the webpages are not found;
  7. 646 - The webpage loads to slow to parse completely or the HTML code is not readable.

65x Link quality

Link Quality at a Glance is a online link checker. The following status codes are, or will be used.

  1. 650 - The webpage has a normal link profile;
  2. 651 - The webpage has no internal links;
  3. 652 - The webpage has no external links;
  4. 653 - The webpage has no links at all;
  5. 654 - The webpage has a low percentage of broken links;
  6. 655 - The webpage has a high percentage of broken links;
  7. 656 - The webpage has a low percentage of redirected links;
  8. 657 - The webpage has a high percentage of redirected links;
  9. 658 - The webpage links only to "safe" websites;
  10. 659 - The webpage links to at least one "unsafe" website;
  11. 660 - The webpage links mainly to high quality websites;
  12. 661 - The webpage links mainly to low quality websites;
  13. 662 - The webpage links mainly to popular websites;
  14. 663 - The webpage links mainly to inpopular websites;
  15. 664 - The webpage links to a lot of different domains;
  16. 665 - The webpage has many links to the same domain(s);
  17. 666 - The webpage has no affiliate links;
  18. 667 - The webpage has a lot of affiliate links;
  19. 668 - The webpage has an abnormal link profile;
  20. 669 - The webpage is probably a parking domain.

67x Canonical expired

These status codes are used to indicate if the canonical for a webpage is still valid.

  1. 670 - The end date of the canonical is still in the future;
  2. 671 - The shelf life of the canonical has expired.

69x Indexed

These status codes are used to indicate if the webpage is already included in the directory. It is for example used by Where is my love?.

  1. 690 - The webpage is included in the directory;
  2. 691 - The webpage is not included in the directory.